
Intravitreal Injection

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What is an intravitreal Injection?

An intravitreal injection is an injection into the vitreous which is the jelly like substance inside your eye. It is performed to place medicines inside the eye, near the retina.

Why is an intravitreal injection performed?

Intravitreal injections are used to deliver drugs to the retina and other structures in the back of the eye. Common conditions treated with intravitreal injections include diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, retinal vascular diseases and ocular inflammation. These conditions often require a course of repeated intravitreal injections.

What is the intravitreal injection procedure?

We will lie you in a comfortable position. Drops will be placed in your eye to numb the eye, and your eye will be cleaned with an antiseptic solution. The eye is usually held open with a small spring instrument called an eye speculum. The medicine is then injected into the vitreous (centre) of the eye. You may feel slight pressure and a momentary sharp feeling on the eye when this is done. After the injection procedure, the doctor or nurse will check your eye.

What are the side effects?

After the injection you may have a gritty feeling in the eye and the eye may look bloodshot. This will usually resolve over a few days. You may see floaters which will become smaller and disappear over one to two weeks. Sometimes you may see round floaters which are tiny bubbles of air, these are harmless and will be absorbed by the eye within one to two days.

Are there any risks?

Injecting any medication into the eye may result in increased pressure within the eye, inflammation, or infection. The risk of a sight-threatening complication is less than 1 in 1,000.